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Media Appearances

A collection of Job Joy Group CEO Merrylue Martin's appearances on podcasts and in other media. â€‹


Click here for Dr. Martin's media kit.

Behind the Numbers Podcast

September 2023

Dave Bookbinder goes Behind The Numbers with Dr. Merrylue Martin. They discuss how the ‘Great Resignation’ shined a spotlight on the importance of retaining top talent and tools and tactics for winning the ongoing war for talent

The Introspective Leader Podcast

February 2023

Hosts Rachel and Stuart have a conversation with Dr. Merrylue Martin, and discuss topics such as....  how a leader can balance empathy with the need for accountability; the formula that explains the recent quite quitting phenomenon; and the new people leader paradigm.  

Positive Polarity Podcast

January 2023

Merrylue Martin joins us this week and we discuss how to create a work environment where people want to be, even if you have employees who are working remote. Merrylue talks about the three R’s and how important they are to retaining your employees. She and Dave emphasize the importance that people are people first, and employees second and that when you invest in people, they will feel valued and want to stay.

Entrepreneurs United Podcast

December 2022

Merrylue discusses the New Workplace Environment that now dominates the working world. What is it, and how can leaders navigate it?

GEMS with Genesis Amaris Kemp

January 2023

Do you feel like employers’ value profit over people in today's climate?


In this segment, Merrylue Martin shares that people will always be people first and employees second. With the right tools and resources things could change. 

The Small Business Show

October 2022

Merrylue Martin is a celebrated people leadership strategist with decades of successfully working with global leaders from all types and sizes of organizations, to make their employees feel uniquely respected, appreciated, fulfilled, and engaged.


As a Fortune 50 senior executive, educational administrator, management consultant, and business owner, she has comprehensive experience in creating and delivering strategies that engage and retain top performers.

Leadership Powered by Common Sense

October 2022

A hot topic on most managers’ minds is the “Big Quit” that has been going on. In this episode, I visit Merrylue Martin. She is a Ph.D. who has studied human behavior in the workplace. Her research defined the key challenges that we as business leaders face in maintaining high employee retention and engagement.

Financial Freedom for Physicians Podcast

September 2022

COVID accelerated changes in how we work, commute, and view careers and success. 2020 and beyond was known as the Great Resignation with companies struggling with staffing, brain-drain, and losing out on the talent war. In this episode, Dr. Christopher Loo discusses the top tools, tactics and strategies for managing, hiring, and retaining top talent with Merrylue Martin. 

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The ET Project

August 2022

As a leader, talent retention will likely be occupying plenty of time in your thinking, and for good reason. The Great Resignation, The Great Talent Reshuffle, The Great Reset, Hybrid Workplaces and just trying to cope with the degree of uncertainty at present are enough to keep you awake at most nights.


Help is at hand. Join host Wayne Brown for his conversation with Merrylue Martin, listen below!

The St. Clair Speaks Show

August 2022

Merrylue Martin discusses the Great New Workplace and her book with host Yahavy St. Clair. Listen below!

Cafe and Networking Podcast

July 2022

Merrylue Martin joined host Tom Reaoch to discuss the Big Quit and her new book. Give it a listen below!

Sales and Marketing Magazine

June 2022

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Merrylue Martin published her article "To Keep Your Best Employees Start Spelling ‘Retention’ with Three Rs" in Sales and Marketing magazine.


In the article, she discusses how to balance each employee's Requirements, Rewards and Respect in order to promote satisfaction and retention.

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